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The Flowering Minds Blog

What Could Be Turning Clients Away from Your Floral Business?

becoming a successful florist floral business tools Oct 20, 2024

As a florist, you pour your heart and creativity into every arrangement you make, but what happens when clients are consistently choosing other florists over you? It can feel frustrating, and you might be left wondering, “What am I missing?” Well, let’s break it down.

When potential clients are looking for a florist, they have two simple but crucial needs: something beautiful and a great client experience. If they haven’t received a personal referral (which, let’s admit, is powerful), they’re going to rely on what they can see online — your website, your portfolio, and how you present yourself as an expert. Let's explore the common reasons why clients might be passing you by and how you can adjust to stand out.

1. Your Website Doesn’t Reflect Who You Are

Think about this: when someone lands on your website, it’s like a first impression in a job interview. They’re forming opinions quickly. Clients are looking at your overall aesthetic, your messaging, and most importantly, how your portfolio makes them feel.

They’re not analyzing every individual flower in your designs. Instead, they’re experiencing your work emotionally. Does your website feel cohesive and put-together, or is it disjointed and hard to navigate? If the design is random, inconsistent, or outdated, it can create confusion for potential clients, making it harder for them to trust that you’ll deliver what they want.

Solution: Make sure your website is clean, simple, and aligned with the kind of work you want to showcase. Consistent branding, clear messaging, and easy navigation can make all the difference.

2. Inconsistency in Your Portfolio Hurts Trust

Here’s the truth: clients need predictability. They want to trust that if they hire you, they’ll get something beautiful — consistently. The problem with many portfolios is inconsistency. Maybe the lighting is different in every photo, the designs vary too much in style, or the color palettes are all over the place. Even if each arrangement is beautiful on its own, inconsistency across your portfolio can break the trust clients are trying to build with you.

It’s like a friendship: if someone is unpredictable and presents themselves differently each time you meet them, you’re going to struggle to feel comfortable with them, even if they’re nice. Consistency builds trust. The same goes for your floral business. Clients need to know what they can expect from you, and that comes from showing them a cohesive style and consistent work in your portfolio.

Solution: Take a look at your portfolio. Do the photos look like they belong together? Do they tell a clear story about your aesthetic and capabilities? If not, it’s time to tighten things up. Choose the work that best represents your brand, and make sure the photography is uniform in style and quality.

3. Your Messaging Isn’t Clear or Focused

Clients are also looking at your words. Do you sound like an expert they can trust, or does your messaging feel generic? The language you use on your website should reflect your expertise and speak directly to the type of clients you want to attract. If your messaging is all over the place or feels impersonal, clients might not connect with you — or worse, they might not see you as the expert they’re looking for.

Solution: Craft clear, confident messaging that speaks directly to your ideal client. Highlight your experience, your unique style, and why someone should choose you. Be intentional about the language you use and make sure it matches the tone of your brand.

4. Emotional Impact Matters More Than You Think

Here’s the kicker: clients choose florists based on how they make them feel. This isn’t always a conscious thought for them, but emotions play a huge role in decision-making. When someone scrolls through your portfolio, they’re asking themselves (whether they realize it or not): “Can I trust this florist to give me exactly what I want?”

A disorganized website or inconsistent portfolio might leave them feeling uncertain, even if your work is stunning. The goal is to create an emotional connection — a sense of calm and confidence that hiring you means their wedding, event, or special occasion will look and feel exactly how they’ve imagined.

Solution: Ensure your website and portfolio evoke the right emotions. If you're aiming for high-end clients, your website should feel luxurious. If you're more about creative, playful designs, that vibe should come through. Remember, your clients are buying an experience, not just flowers.


So, what's your next move?

If you’re realizing there’s room to improve, that’s a good thing. You now have a clear path forward. Crafting a website and portfolio that feel cohesive, consistent, and trust-building doesn’t happen overnight, but once it’s in place, you’ll see the difference.

If you're feeling stuck on where to start, my membership, Flowering Minds, is designed to help florists just like you fine-tune every aspect of their business. From building a strong brand to creating a portfolio that truly represents your style, we’re here to make sure you stand out in the floral industry.

You’ve got this — and I’m here to help you make it happen.

Lys x

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