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A Florist's Guide to Pricing Flowers
Wondering how to price flowers so you can pay yourself, your staff AND your bills?
All the answers are right here. Just sign up below and we will send the guide straight to your inbox.
Bonus: We even threw in a sample event estimate from a real florist!

Hi friend! A brief rundown of who I am:
Florist of 17 years, business coach, mother, big goofball and obsessed entrepreneur!
Watch the video below to find out more. ❤️
Is The Flowering Minds Membership right for you?
Learn from a florist who consistently sells event flowers at $20k+/event and flower deliveries with a minimum of $150/order.
Have you ever felt like growing your floral business was a lonely journey?
Have you wondered what other florists are doing to become really successful, while you are just playing guessing games?
You now have the chance to join a community filled with coaching, floral education and digital marketing strategies unlike anywhere else.
Join Flowering Minds!